Monday 1 January 2007

This is an Ex-Cane Toad

Cane Toad, originally uploaded by metajeff.

Perhaps you have heard of the nefarious cane toad, introduced into Australia (from South America) in the 1930s? It has become one of the major pests in the land of Oz because it has no natural predators here. This is because it is highly poisonous: all animals that eat it die.

You might not know that this frog's poison is also highly psychoactive. Long-haired hippy freaks have been known to lick these toads in order to get an LSD-like high. One can also roll and smoke the dried skin of a road-killed cane toad for added effect.

This particular specimen met its squishy end under the business end of a shovel. No plans to smoke it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The toads are being blamed for the de-population of crocks.