Wednesday 19 January 2011

Jack Reimec

In the US they have REI, in Westboro the Bridgeheads are full of yuppies decked out in MEC wear. In Quebec hipsters on the Plateau must wear a Kanuk coat to be correctly fashionable. Here in Germany, it's all Jack Wolfskin. The logo is omnipresent on backpacks, winter coats, and fleece pullovers. The paw print really makes it clear that you know how to get dirty.
It strikes me as a rediculous name, conceived to leverage a stereotype of what an outdoorsy person should be called. Sort of like the ubiquitous faux-Irish pubs (Grace O'Malley's, D'Arcy McGee's, etc. Taken to its logical extreme, why not open one called Micky O'McMickey's ?). Despite this being the most pleasant, orderly, and clean country I have ever visited, many people on the tram are dressed as if they are preparing for a weekend of camping in the (probably very clean) forest.

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